
by Digital Works, Web & Mobile Productions



PescApanha, is a free-to-use mobile application developed and made available by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), in order to learn more to better protect small-scale fishing and catches.IPMA invites fishermen/catchers to voluntarily use the PescApanha app in order to improve the data currently available on small-scale fishing activity. All information obtained is confidential and the data will always be analyzed in an aggregated way. The main objective of this app is to know the spatio-temporal distribution of the fishing effort of the small fishing fleet and the harvesting activity, which will allow the identification and protection of the respective areas of operation.The PescApanha application was developed under the project "MONTEREAL" (financed by Mar 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Fund for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries - FEAMP) and was sponsored by the organization 40in40.